Filmed by Daniel Foucachon
Filmed by Daniel Foucachon
I recorded one of the recent Psalm Sing’s at Christ Church. Here are a few of the songs:
The reason why gramophone music is so unsatisfactory to any one accustomed to real music is not because the mechanical reproduction is bad – that would be easily compensated by the hearer’s imagination – but because the performers and the audience are out of touch. The audience is not collaborating; it is only overhearing.
– Collingwood
HT: Peter Leithart
Can you believe it? We just had our last Disputatio as a class at NSA?
God has been very good to us, allowing us to travel thus far. I am very grateful for such a wonderful class, and I hope we all keep in touch. To that affect, I plan to keep this blog going as a place where we as Alumni can come and keep getting NSA info, or see what’s going on in Moscow.
Here are the two videos I presented at Disputatio.
I uploaded a bunch of videos not shown here on a YouTube playlist called “Live in Moscow as an NSA student,” which you can find HERE