A discussion about Old Western Culture: Rise of England with Wesley J Callihan and Peter J. Leithart. Topics: Shakespeare, Milton, 1550s to 1650s England, Rise of England, and Old Western Culture.
A discussion about Old Western Culture: Rise of England with Wesley J Callihan and Peter J. Leithart. Topics: Shakespeare, Milton, 1550s to 1650s England, Rise of England, and Old Western Culture.
Like many modern advances, the domination of time turns into its opposite; absolute control of time through absolute speed, speed for its own sake, leaves us feeling we have no control of time.
Peter Leithart, Solomon Among the Postmoderns, 42.
The one thing that is “not good” in the original creation is Adam’s loneliness. And how does God go about addressing that imperfection? He puts Adam into deep sleep, tears out a rib from his side, closes up the flesh, and builds a woman from the rib. The solution to what is “not good” is something like death, and something like resurrection.
That’s always the solution. When God sees that something is “not good” in us, in our life situation, He tends not to ease us into a new stage. He kills us, in order to raise us up again. That has to happen, because it is a universal truth that “unless the seed go into the ground and die, it cannot bear fruit.”
Electronic communication is supposed to be destroying our ability to use normal language, as we resort to various forms of shorthand – BTW, FWIW, LOL, ROFLOL, etc, etc.
Well maybe.
But if it’s a sign of linguistic decline, it’s not the first time. FF Bruce points out that certain greetings were so common in Roman correspondence that letter-writers use abbreviations. Like SVBEEV for “si vales, bene est; ego valeo” (If you are well, it is good; I am well).
Anti-sacramental, anti-ritual evangelicalism emphasizes a personal relationship with God, but tends to encourage what Anthony Giddens calls “pure relationship,” a relationship that is not tacked down with external anchors and supports. A live-in relationship, without benefit of the rites and legalities of marriage, is a pure relationship. Evangelicalism tends to encourage a live-in relationship with Jesus.
This is wrong, a departure from Christian tradition, and unbiblical. It also places unbearable burdens on the soul. Tempted by the devil, Luther slapped his forehead to remind himself of his baptism. His standing before God was anchored in Christ, to whom he had been joined by baptism.
For evangelicals, assurance cannot be grounded in anything so external and objective. Spontaneous enthusiasm is the test of sincerity, and the source of assurance. But eternal, self-scrutinizing vigilance is necessary to ensure that the enthusiasm is really spontaneous.
Enthusiasm was supposed to liberate the soul from all the dead forms, but it comes with its own set of chains.
“Like the closing chapters of Job, Ecclesiastes teaches that there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamed of in our philosophies or theologies, that God is up to more than we can possibly conceive, and that, limited and finite as we are, it is only natural that our grasp of the pattern of history is partial and our control of life is limited.” (Deep Comedy, Dr. Leithart)
(God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform. . . )
“Like the days of creation, which move from evening to morning, biblical history moves from darkness to light, from the darkness, emptiness and formlessness of the original creation (Gen. 1:2) to the lighted and teeming city of Revelation. History moves toward day.” (Ibid.)
(The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower. . . )
“The joy of Easter, the joy of resurrection, the joy of trinitarian life does not simply offer an alternative ‘worldview’ to the tragic self-inflation of the ancients. Worked out in the joyful life of the Christian church, deep comedy is the chief weapon of our warfare. For in the joy of the Lord is our strength, and Satan shall be felled with ‘cakes and ale’ and midnight revels.” (Ibid.)
(Calls you one and calls you all to gain his everlasting hall . . . )
“Good Christian Men, Rejoice!”
HT: Lydia Smith