Charity Bandanas

The following is from Benjamin Nieuwsma. Please take a second to read!

We are raising money for the Community Action Partnership in Moscow . The charity works to reach out to poor people in our area in a number of ways. The partnership provides food for people unable to afford it, clothing and health related expenses. Often the elderly on fixed incomes are unable to afford their heating bill during the winter and this partnership helps with that as well. They also help pay for educational expenses.

Unlike many other charities, the Community Action Partnership works towards self-sufficiency as much as it can, so for many of the underprivileged families, they help by providing work for them.

I am the project manager of a team of about a dozen students who chose this charity to raise money for as class project and we have come up with a couple different incentives for giving money to the partnership:

Donate 1 Dollar

For anyone donating a dollar to help the underprivileged in our area, we will enter them into a drawing for one of three $50 gift certificates for the online sporting good stores:

Donate 4 Dollars

For anyone who donates $4 (essentially the price of a nice coffee), we will give them a free bandana. They are black with a golden U of I logo design on them.

This charity is tax deductible and upon request we can provide you with verification of your donation. Unfortunately, due to some supplier problems on the bandanas, we are running out of time for this project. We need to know about everyone who is willing to donate by next Monday, November 26.

So, if you would be willing to donate a few dollars, it would be a great blessing to the charity, and a huge help to me and my team.

Please send me an email. ( or feel free to call (208-310-1841)


Benjamin Nieuwsma

One thing Ben mentioned to me is that you don’t have to pay him right away. So if you are away on break, just send him an email letting him know that you will be getting him the money whenever you get back.
