Introducing Kepler Education

I am very excited to announce the launch of Kepler Education, a new initiative of Roman Roads!

Kepler is a consortium of independent teachers unified by a shared vision and innovative Chegg answers free online platform to bring classical Christian education with to junior high and high school students.

What does this mean for you and your kids? A wide choice of instructors and teaching styles (curricula and methods), and fascinating courses options!

With course offerings ranging from Algebra 2 to Monsters as Metaphors, Kepler classes are taught by passionate instructors who have the freedom to teach to their strengths and the subjects they most love.

Does Kepler Replace Roman Roads Classroom?

Roman Roads Classroom and its teachers are now part of Kepler, and you will find many of the same courses and teachers on the new platform, along with dozens of additional instructors and over one hundred course offerings, with new instructors and classes being added every week!

Do you offer full grades?

Yes! You can choose one or two courses à la carte, or a build a Diploma Track, but in both instances, you are choosing the courses and teachers, along with learning styles, curriculum, and schedule to match the specific needs of your family. All this unified on a new platform built for the purpose of streamlining the process from registration to transcript.

Our motto at Kepler is “Empowering families by liberating teachers.” By creating an environment and platform where teachers can craft and offer their own courses, we bring all that choice directly to families.

We are excited about registration, and to celebrate our launch we are giving a $50 Amazon gift card and a Kepler T-shirt to every one of the first 50 families that register for one or more classes, and shares about it!

50-50 Giveaway Details:

  1. Register for at least one 2020-21 Kepler class
  2. Share a link to that class on Facebook and tag our page (Kepler Education) so we see your post. (Make sure your post is “Sharing to: Public”)
  3. We will contact you to get your T-shirt size and the info so we can send you your gift-card if you’re among the first 50 families to register.